Tuesday, March 11, 2014

things you need in your life

There are a few things that are making me extra happy lately. Let it be said that most of those things are easily influenced by the fact that it's almost 60 degrees and sunny outside today - a rarity in Ohio lately. Before it snows tomorrow and we all briefly go back to hating the weather, I'll recommend some of my favorite favorites to brighten your day:

Songs you should download: 

Worth sweating for:
A great bootcamp (find one, seriously)
Running outside. Today is a great day to start.

Feel good story of the week:
This amazing dog transformation.

You should drink:
Iced coffee (half the syrup with a splash of nonfat milk, for you Starbucks goers).
Passion tea lemonade, also at Starbucks - again, half the syrup.

Worth saving for:
Tory Burch flats. Seriously. 

Challenge yourself to:
Swear less.
Volunteer more. Start with animals.

Instant happiness:
Get your car washed. Or do it yourself.
Put your windows down.

Worth Crying Over:
The Chevy dog commercial

Cook this:

Organizations worth supporting:

That's it, folks. Your weekly dose of how I'm staying happy. Now get off your butts and go enjoy this sunshine - because it's going to snow tomorrow. 


  1. As always, love this! Thanks for tipping me off on the 100 happy days. genius!

    1. You will really enjoy the challenge! I'm only on day 2, but it's already forced me to view my day differently in the wake of some of life's frustrations. I really like it so far!
