Sunday, January 27, 2013

sunday musings.

A collection of thoughts for you on this cold grey Sunday.

As I'm not what most would consider "crafty," I'd like to make a board on Pinterest dedicated to crafts I'd like other people to make me. I like to be frugal, "upcycle," and thrifty, but my craft skills should be limited to the macaroni art created in elementary school.

Today, Rob and I bought gourmet burgers from the meat department at our grocery store and fired up the grill for a fabulous lunch. Sometimes a little food creativity and effort can go a long way, and is much more delicious than eating out (and cheaper)!

Inspiration from my last blog has proven to be a popular idea, and there is now a Facebook group created to inspire, motivate and provide support for those in the area (and not in the area!) trying to lose weight, or just stay healthy. It seems to have been successful so far - if you're interested in being involved, let me know! It's been a great resource for posting wins, fails, workout plans and new recipe reviews - life presents crazy challenges that keep us from all spending real time together, but it's nice to know that there are people on the same page as you.

I've had a major sweet tooth lately. I cannot get enough dessert, and this is so unlike me. If this is a new leaf I'm turning over, I'd prefer to leave it unturned.

I went to pick up my wedding dress on Saturday and got halfway through lunch before I realized I left it at the bridal shop. Um... worst bride ever?

I've been doing a pretty decent job at trying out new recipes. I had it set at doing one new recipe per month, but creativity has gotten the best of me and I've tried a few new things. Favorites have included Skinnytaste santa fe chicken and spinach and artichoke chicken - I desperately need to start cooking with things other than chicken, but I'm so particular about red meat, I hate seafood and Rob isn't a big fan of pork. Chicken it is then, right?

I've been doing a core class at my gym this month. I do regular strength training classes 3 times a week, but they don't focus enough on my abs and core, and well, my wedding dress isn't going to zip itself. I am in love with this class, and a quick couple of miles on the treadmill after class has helped me fill a typical rest day with another workout. Hopefully all this effort will pay off!

I made my grandma's vegetable soup recipe tonight for dinner - she wrote the recipe down for me a couple years ago on a piece of paper with a tiger on it, and it now has stains and splotches on it from laying too close to a hot pot of soup. I had one of those few moments that you're supposed to cherish forever - when I realized that all the recipes I find on Pinterest and on food blogs do not hold a candle to having a hand written recipe from grandma. I will probably have it for the rest of my life. There is something to be said for a physical collection of hand written recipes, shoved into index cards and covered in flour, stains and real life cooking. You can't get that on the internet.

Rob and I cleaned the office tonight. If you've ever seen our office, you know how big of a deal that is.

I bought an awesome mint green woven with navy polka dots at Target today, and now I need it to be spring so I can justify wearing it.

I seem to be having a serious cause of "I hate my sinuses" and if it keeps me feeling crappy and away from the gym this week, I will flip out.

Next weekend is my first chance to sit down with both my bridesmaids and my fantastic wedding officiant and chat about my wedding. I know it seems like that's all I'm talking about, and if I were Lauren Circa 2010 reading this, I'd puke for days. But Lauren Circa 2013 seems to think that saying "I do" to someone for the rest of your days is kind of a big deal.

The cold weather made me realize how much I really love and cherish our walks with the dogs in the warmer months. I am so antsy to get out - in the summer, we walk to the grocery store, to get coffee, to see live music, and we walk the 3 mile trek at one of our local parks a couple times a week. This frigid weather has never made me feel so stir crazy - is it May yet?

Sometimes I feel like I've gotten so boring. Like - I bore myself, even. I'm not quite sure if I've actually gotten boring, or if I've just finally developed self discipline and decided to buckle down before wedding madness hits this spring? Either way, I'm really sorry if all my health bullshit and lack of sarcastic venting about the country's typical stereotypes has made me the most boring person on the planet.

I could watch Bridesmaids, all day every day. Help me, I'm poor.

Wow - I really apologize if you're not totally health and food obsessed and I just bored the hell out of you. I'm happily still stuck on the beginning of the year high that resolutioners seem to be on, and it's been great to connect lately with other people who have a similar mindset. Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

support systems.

Incase no one has mentioned this yet, losing weight is hard. So is leaving your house when it's 28 degrees outside to go to the gym, saying no to food at the bar or choosing the most boring grilled chicken entree you've ever seen over your favorite pasta dish at a restaurant. Sometimes I feel like the only way to stay truly accountable to my weight loss plan is to completely void myself of temptation, which is also code for "locking yourself in a room and not socializing until you're happy with your weight." Well, guess what? That's not real life. I refuse to turn down plans to meet friends for dinner, weekends away where I will be tempted with horrible menu options for three meals a day and celebrating over dinner, just because it thwarts my plans to be a size 4. So, how do you find balance?

I guess I don't know the answer to this. I workout a lot, really. And I do my best. Usually, this means I'm taking two steps forward and one step back. But at that rate, I will at least get there eventually. My friend and I were just discussing how important and valuable it is to have people on the same page as you. She and I both go to Zumba at our local rec, and just knowing she will be there is sometimes reason enough for me to stick around after my strength training class instead of bailing to go home early. It's the reason I don't ditch Saturday morning workouts, too. And I've been thinking - how many other people are out there in the Dayton area that want the same kind of accountability? I'm not talking about a giant Biggest Loser competition or something. I'm talking about a support system of people who are on the same page as you are - a place to talk about exercise, weight loss struggles, new recipes, successes and milestones, sign up for 5k races and walks, and otherwise have an outlet to hangout and discuss all of obstacles and finding balance for being happy, fit and healthy.

I guess I just feel like we're at the age where it gets really easy to start putting our health on the back burner. And yet for whatever reason, we all have something we'd love to look fabulous or feel our best for. Whether it's a wedding, an upcoming vacation, recovering from baby weight gain, not getting lazy post-marriage or just wanting to put yourself in better shape to be fit and healthy, "getting healthy" seems to be a trend right now, and I feel like so many of us reach out and connect via blog, Facebook comments, etc. I'm not saying I need a group of people to go to Zumba with me, or that we all need to sit around in a circle and talk about eating our feelings. In my mind, I keep thinking that there are so many people in this area on the right track to lose weight and be healthy - be it through tracking calories, going to Weight Watchers meetings, or just hitting the gym a few times a week. I thought it'd be cool to give people a social outlet where everyone is on the same page as you. Coffee, wine nights, and other non-food-driven events could be the setting for productive conversation, support and good old fashioned hangout time without feeling the pressure of ordering bad-for-you food.

Maybe I'm crazy. Or maybe I'm the one really just looking for support. Knowing I have to fit into a wedding dress in 8 months is great motivation but I know there are moments I want to just bail on my workout, throw in the towel or go to happy hour instead of eat my pre-planned meal (this one happens, probably too often), and I know other people feel the same way.

If anyone is interested in this, shoot me an email [], or a Facebook message. Or comment on here. Or send me a courier pigeon. Or an owl (HP for the win). I realize it's a long shot, but with the Dayton area saturated with people I know who are my age and balancing all things work, kids, marriage, lots of binge drinking and Bad Juans, exercise, eating right, and otherwise trying to save the world, I thought it's worth a shot, right?

And if I get no responses, I will probably be too embarrassed and make up a fake health group that I regularly attend so that none of you know I'm secretly a huge loser. Winning!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

proactive happiness.

How is it Sunday already? Because I'm pretty sure I just left work on Friday afternoon, desperate for 48 free hours. I'm protesting.

No, but really. This was one of those rare weekends where we didn't have anything major going on. Those weekends are the best, aren't they? The only problem is that more often than not, those "free" weekends are usually spent on completely pointless things like SVU marathons [hey, they're awesome, but total time suckers], wasting money shopping for things I don't need or otherwise spending way too much time in sweatpants. Fortunately, I managed to find a little balance this weekend and now I'm sitting here content, feeling pretty proud of what I accomplished this weekend.

Both dogs got walked on Saturday and Sunday mornings. We were fortunate enough to enjoy some beautiful and unusually warm weather this weekend, and our poor pups haven't been out on the town in weeks because our city does a super awesome job {NOT} of plowing our streets. Walked and tired pups = happy Rob and Lauren.

I went for my first outdoor run in 2013. I was a little nervous - I've spent the past couple months on the treadmill and I know damn well that readjusting to the pavement can be a struggle. It seems like health has been on my side lately, and all the other cardio and exercise I've been doing have made my runs so much easier and more enjoyable. Yay for that. It rained on me, but I was able to run my 5k route in a tshirt and running capris - in JANUARY. Um....I'll take it.

Rob and I made our honeymoon decision. We had already decided where to go, but were both overwhelmed at the cost and were concerned we'd be taking too much on in the midst of all the other craziness going on this year. We both established a plan we're comfortable with, and I CAN. NOT. WAIT.

I set up some plans for wedding planning this weekend - for both mine and my best friend's wedding. There are so many lunches/meetings/fittings coming up here in the next month and I'm super excited to see things finally coming together for all my friends. Getting appointments, lunches and plans established finally makes it all real!

Rob and I spent some time with family we don't get to see very often. Spending some time with my cousin's family and her awesome boys was a great change of pace for us, and we don't get to see them enough. Rob had way more fun than the kids did setting up a new firehouse Lego set though, which basically means that I am marrying an 8 year old.

We saw a movie today. Not a big deal, right? WRONG. Rob has a serious intolerance for other people talking and chewing during movies in the theater, so we often just wait to watch movies at home. But on this gloomy rainy Sunday, we ventured out and saw a movie and it was super refreshing to have nothing to do today except make our matinee showing. Oh, and clean. And grocery shop. And do laundry.

I tried a new recipe today - spinach and artichoke chicken.  I've had a serious craving for all things spinach and artichoke dip lately, but as you can imagine, my diet seems to think that's a pretty NOT COOL idea. I found this recipe on Pinterest and it's pretty lightened up. I got Rob's stamp of approval [it doesn't really take much], and I'd totally recommend it. Next time, I'm totally throwing some diced tomatoes on top. Or hell, maybe I will just skip the chicken, add the warm pita chips and call it a day.

The house is clean, the laundry is done [sort of], dinner is clean and my pups are happily dozing. Oh, and Rob is currently cleaning the bathroom, which makes everything about this weekend seem so much better than it probably is. It's been one of those rare weekends where I actually have time to sit back and realize how fortunate I am, and how much I love my life. +1000 life points for being engaged and proactive in my own happiness during the worst months in Ohio :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

the 3 W's: weddings, weight loss and winter.

I've found that with the holidays over, I can officially focus on all the big events taking place this year. I sat down this past weekend to really put some things on my calendar for the year, and I can't believe how much is taking place in 2013 - it sounds like this will not only be my year, but a year to remember for some of my close friends and family as well. This year, my best friend marries her best friend, several other close friends tie the knot, my brother graduates college, and then Rob and I do that cool little thing we call "GETTING MARRIED." There are bridal showers and bachelorette parties to plan and attend, dresses to be worn - and let's not forget, workouts to be completed.

Which is why I am desperately trying not to let the Winter Blues get me down. I struggle big time with seasonal affective disorder - something I'm not quite sure I even really believe in, but I'm positive I suffer from. My motivation goes out the door, and curling up on the couch with Rob, the dogs and my favorite pair of sweatpants for a Lost marathon always seems like a better alternative than braving the cold just for a one hour workout. I usually break up the winter monotony with a trip to Florida, but with all the big wedding plans this year, an extra trip is out of the picture. In an effort to beat the winter depression, I've set myself up with some goals that will hopefully make the worst two months in Ohio slightly more bearable.

I'm going to try two new recipes per month. I've fallen into a rut with my cooking lately, and while I still meal plan and cook almost every night, Rob and I are both getting sick of having the same 7-10 meals all the time. I've recently pinned some wonderful things from Emily Bites and Skinnytaste, and I'm hoping this keeps me on my cooking [and healthy eating] toes during the colder months.

I will not feel guilty when I watch Biggest Loser. Yesterday was my off day from the gym, but I did a little proactive thinking and went running anyway so I could watch the season premiere of Biggest Loser knowing I had done my healthy deed for the day. I always feel inspired when I watch that show, but know I'll never get off the couch after dinner to workout. Healthy eating and feel-good workouts will help me feel like I'm not being left behind by the show - which, in years past, is often how I've felt.

I will stay accountable to my diet and exercise routine. Comfort food and sweats are the peak moments of winter, which doesn't bode well for my healthy lifestyle and big plans of not having arm flab in my wedding dress. Now that we've closed the door on the holidays, I can get back to real life and my regular exercise routine. Rob is trying to lose weight for the wedding as well, which makes it so much easier to stick to our healthy eating plan. Everything is better when you have a partner in crime!

Plan my wedding. I know this sounds like a given, but I am the queen of procrastination and well, that doesn't always fly when you're planning a wedding. Giving myself weekly to-do lists and small goals to accomplish will keep me engaged with my own planning and not let important things fall by the wayside. It's not that I'm not totally excited about getting married - but I work so much better under pressure and if it were up to me, all planning would be done the week before the big day. This week, I'm sending out save the date's - does this mean I can chill until next week?

Engage myself in my friends' weddings. Helping my best friend plan her wedding and assisting friends in any way I can is so much easier, less stressful and often so much more fun than doing my own. Decisions come easier when it's not your centerpiece, flowers and bachelorette party. Helping people by being the voice of logic, reason, or just the person to vent to over crazy vendors and meltdowns is sometimes more help than anything else. Clearly I've missed my calling in wedding planning.

Read more. Television gets boring. So does Pinterest, and Lord knows I'm sick of reading everyone's sob story on Facebook. I've taken a brief hiatus from reading and I miss losing myself in a book. I'm now reading all the Harry Potter books [again], and I find myself wrapped up in them just as much as I did the first time I read them.

Hopefully I can survive the hibernation of winter and wake up in April when we've stopped the below freezing temperatures. Humans should not have to function in anything below 55 degrees, but the least we can do is make things interesting until the sun shines again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

i always believed in futures.

Happy 2013, friends! I hope you all woke this morning to hangover free happiness [or at least some awesome hangover food]. I guess this will be my cliche reflection post, where I get super sentimental about all of my accomplishments in 2012 and get teary eyed thinking about 2013. Right, because I'm super heartfelt and emotional. But really, 2012 has been one for the books. As I sit here sandwiched between two sleeping dogs (still worn out from last night's festivities), I keep trying to put both feet on the ground and stand still for a brief second, realizing that if this past year has been any indication as to what the future holds, 2013 is going to be a whirlwind.

I can't really be anything less than tacky when I say that Rob and I had the ultimate relationship year in 2012. We celebrated our one year anniversary, adopted our second dog from a rescue, bought a new car, road tripped to Virginia Beach, Outer Banks, Hilton Head [twice - one for wedding planning, eek!!], made countless trips to the lake, took hundreds of long walks with the dogs, visited family in Florida, survived a broken hand and its accompanying surgeries and therapy, started a new job, celebrated countless birthdays, engagements and marriages with our best friends and oh, I don't know, GOT ENGAGED. Damn.

On a personal front, I managed to lose 35 pounds, buy pants in a size I have not worn since high school (did you read that - HIGH SCHOOL), fell in love with two new exercise routines in addition to continuing my love with running, found this wonderful thing called "balance" between work, play and taking care of myself, and managed to get rid of a lot of my "fat clothes" for the last time. I bought a wedding dress, watched one of my best friends marry her best friend and was asked to be maid of honor in my best friend's wedding in 2013.

Every time I sat down for a minute to relax and take it all in, we were on to the next adventure. And as I sit here now, I realize that my moment on the couch will be brief (especially if there's not an SVU marathon on today). There are wedding plans to be made, pounds to lose, new recipes to try, friends' successes to celebrate and dogs to be walked. There is wine to be drank, hugs to be given and one very large man child that I'm marrying who has already decided that this year, we're going to be more adventurous and outdoorsy (squeeze that in between getting married on the beach and Wednesday night Zumba). In years past, I've always made my only resolution to simply be to improve on the previous year. And so far, it's worked. But this year, I've set some concrete resolutions and I've never felt more intensity and dedication to see them through than I do now.

Hit my goal weight. I'm more than halfway there, and I have a wedding dress to fit into. If that isn't motivation enough, then someone just shoot me in the face.

Be more proactive about "adult things." Like that chip in the wall, the unfinished cabinet, or the fact that my office at home looks like an episode of Hoarders.

Tweet more, Facebook less. This has been a long time coming, and I already started. If you care to continue seeing the sarcastic details of my life, I suggest to come to Twitter and play with me [@lmayberry].

Socialize more. Rob and I were pretty bad about going out and socializing this past year. With several trips, workouts, and big life events taking place, we took advantage of any downtime we had and enjoyed it on the couch. Celebrating the holidays with friends these past few weeks has made me realize how much I missed it.

Marry my best friend. I know, right?

Be a better listener. I'm horrible about listening to things that don't interest me, or that come up when I'm in the middle of something. It's poor manners, and not good for my relationships with others. I will try harder. Try.

Stop saying "fuck" so much. But damnit, it's so hard.

They're simple things, and easy to do in the midst of all the big things that will happen this year. I hope that whatever you resolve to do in this new year, it will involve laughing more, loving harder and being more engaged with your own life and less involved in things that do not concern you. Life is too short, and human relationships are so undervalued in this world of social media and technology we live in. Be there, listen, and actively participate in your own life. Cheers!